IntelliJ shortcut and keyboard layout

For me, IntelliJ was using a different keyboard layout on Debian Jessie.

Force IntelliJ to use the French KB layout:

setxkbmap fr

Alternatively, make the azerty keyboard layout first in order in system settings.

Source link.

And BTW, guess what, the problem still persists in 2020. 😁

UPDATE: As of September 2020 there is a new checkbox to solve this: (Settings -> Keymap -> Use National layouts for shortcuts)

enter image description here

I finally found a solution by forcing the keyboard layout with the "setxkb" utility.

setxkb fr

It seems that doing it through my Desktop Environment (Cinammon) only solves it partially. It was also buggy.

So I decided to move to something more basic such as awesome and bspwm, where things doesn't come magically since you have to configure everything yourself.