Interacting with 3D Graphics, for export

First let's take a 3D element:

g = PolyhedronData["Spikey"];

Mathematica graphics

  • Export as GIF:

    As stated here one can Export a List of images as a GIF:

    animation = Table[Show[g, Boxed -> False, 
      ViewVector -> {0, 5 Cos@u, 5 Sin@u}], {u, 0, Pi, Pi/20}];
    Export["~/animated.gif", animation, "DisplayDurations" -> .1]


    enter image description here

But since the question is "Are there any export formats which preserve the ability to interact with 3D Graphics? (In particular, the ability to rotate.)" I propose the following which I find very interesting:

  • Export as STL:

    Export["~/Spikey.stl", g];

Then one can use Sketchfab to visualize it and get the ability to easily interact with it (click for the full ~3MB GIF):

enter image description here

  • Spikey

  • Sin[x+y^2]

