Interactively change the selectInput choices

Reply from Rstudio's JC:

Sure, just use a textInput for the search string, and use renderUI/uiOutput to make a dynamic selectInput. Then the rest of your code can depend on the selectInput's value. (Make sure to check for NULL or whatever when reading the selectInput value, because it will start out with no value.)

In Shiny version 0.8 (where I have tested it), in server.R add the following:

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

    # This will change the value of input$partnerName to searchResult()[,1]
    updateTextInput(session, "partnerName", 
                    label = "Select your choice", 
                    value = searchResult()[,1])


Now the function within shinyServer has additional argument session.

You can skip the label if you don't need to change it.

You don't need to change anything in ui.R.

You need to make the UI reactive. I haven't tested this (miss data for it too) but should work I think. In server.R add:

output$selectUI <- renderUI({ 
selectInput("partnerName", "Select your choice", searchResult()[,1] ),

And in ui.R replace the selectInput with:
