Internet Explorer Developer Tools how to preserve log upon navigation?

In Internet Explorer 11 there is a button that you can click to delete or preserve console logs on navigation. If you want to preserve your console logs, then just untick the button (highlighted red in my screenshot).

enter image description here

In IE Developer Cosole go to Tools -> Clear Entries on Navigate and uncheck what you want to stay in log.

In Internet Explorer 11 there is now a button ("Clear entries on navigate") which one must toggle for enabling/disabling the IE to clear the network logs on navigation or even http redirect.


enter image description here

Clear entries on navigate

Clear entries on navigate is a toggle switch with on and off states. When in the off state, network traffic for a window or tab is recorded continuously as the browser moves from page to page. When in the on state, recorded traffic is cleared each time you navigate to a new page. This is turned on by default.

Please note: Dev tools will close if the redirected domains navigate from a protected mode site to a non-protected mode site, e.g. from internet zone to intranet zone