Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path. CFBundleIcons Xcode 5
iOS 8/xCode 6 answer, if you get an error AppIcon 120x120 not found, uncheck the car play icon in xcode's AppIcon set. Assuming you're not using car play of course
Make sure that this image is a members of target you are building:
Also be aware that names are case sensitive.
- Click on the affected image in the Project Navigator
- In the utilities window, click the "Show the File Inspector" icon.
- Ensure the "Target Membership" app name has "v" next to it.
- Rebuild and archive.
If you get an error AppIcon 120x120 not found in Xcode 6,
1. click images.xassets which is located left side right under Main.storyboard.
2. You should see bunch of same icons in different size.
3. At the bottom, find one that says CarPlay iOS 8 120pt.
4. Delete this icon and leave it blank.
Problem solved!