Invalid VCS root mapping - 3 errors on my project

For the Invalid VCS root mapping error, you can fix it by deleting the vcs.xml file located in the .idea folder of your project and then Reopen your IDE.

Make sure the project was cloned and not downloaded as a zip into the directory you are using (there should be C:\Users\paula\Git\OpenTripPlanner.git directory on your disk). and make sure your gpath to git executable is indicating the correct path.

The three Gradle Build errors seems separate from the invalid VCS root mapping error.

  • For the invalid VCS root mapping error, you can go to the root of the project C:\Users\alfayed\Desktop\awesome-chat, and create a git repo by git init.

  • For the three Gradle Build errors, you can debug the details with the source code.

For the Invalid VCS root mapping error you can fix it by deleting the vcs.xml file located in the .idea folder of your project and then rebuild your project.