Invoice class: how to change currency
The use of dollar signs is hard-coded in the template as \$
. If you want a complete replacement of $
with £
, you can add
to your preamble.
\renewcommand{\$}{\pounds}% $ -> £
\hfil{\Huge\bfseries Initech Inc.}\hfil
\bigskip\break % Whitespace
\hrule % Horizontal line
123 Broadway \hfill (000) 111-1111 \\
City, State 12345 \hfill [email protected]
\\ \\
{\bfseries Invoice To:} \\
\tab James Smith \\ % Invoice recipient
\tab Generic Corporation \\ % Recipient's company
{\bfseries Date:} \\
\tab \today \\
\feetype{Consulting Services}
\hourrow{October 3, 2012}{8}{12}
\hourrow{October 4, 2012}{6.5}{12}
\hourrow{October 5, 2012}{5.25}{12}
\hourrow{October 10, 2012}{9.75}{20}
\hourrow{October 11, 2012}{5}{12.51}
\feetype{Accounting Services} % Fee category description
\hourrow{October 10, 2012}{2}{80}
\hourrow{October 11, 2012}{1}{80}
\feetype{Hosting Expenses}
\feerow{Web Hosting: October, 2012}{60}
You need to edit invoice.cls
and look for \$
and change it for whatever you want. Probably change to \pounds
. Take a look at lines 62, 69, 74, 80 and 107.