Ionic 2 / Ionic 3 : How to get current location of a device

I have gone through the problem and find the solution.

the best way to get geolocation of the user is to use this plugin

do not forget to add this is app.moudle.ts as its a provider.

by simply adding this code in app component i was able to get location( do not forget to import and add in constructor)

 this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition({ enableHighAccuracy: true }).then((resp) => {
    }, Error => {
    }).catch(Error => {

i only have the same error while i was using ionic cordova run android --livereload that is insecure origin

but when i use ionic serve i can see the response in browser and also after using ionic cordova run android

just to confirm response in android i check the chrome debugger.

I tried every solution provided by all of you and others also on internet. Finally i found a solution.You can try this plugin cordova-plugin-advanced-geolocation ( ) from ESRI . But this plugin will work for Android not IOS. For ios you can go with same old approach . i.e - using this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(...) or this.geolocation.watchPosition(..).

Add cordova-plugin-advanced-geolocation Plugin Like this :-

cordova plugin add

then Add below line at the top of Class / Component

declare var AdvancedGeolocation:any; //at the top of class

Now add these lines inside relevant function of component ( P.S. - I have included code for both Android & IOS)

//**For Android**

    if ('android')) {
          this.platform.ready().then(() => {
            AdvancedGeolocation.start((success) => {
              // this.refreshCurrentUserLocation();
              try {
                var jsonObject = JSON.parse(success);
                console.log("Provider " + JSON.stringify(jsonObject));
                switch (jsonObject.provider) {
                  case "gps":
                    console.log("setting gps ====<<>>" + jsonObject.latitude);

                    this.currentLat = jsonObject.latitude;
                    this.currentLng = jsonObject.longitude;

                  case "network":
                    console.log("setting network ====<<>>" + jsonObject.latitude);

                    this.currentLat = jsonObject.latitude;
                    this.currentLng = jsonObject.longitude;


                  case "satellite":

                  case "cell_info":

                  case "cell_location":

                  case "signal_strength":
              catch (exc) {
                console.log("Invalid JSON: " + exc);
              function (error) {
                console.log("ERROR! " + JSON.stringify(error));
                "minTime": 500,         // Min time interval between updates (ms)
                "minDistance": 1,       // Min distance between updates (meters)
                "noWarn": true,         // Native location provider warnings
                "providers": "all",     // Return GPS, NETWORK and CELL locations
                "useCache": true,       // Return GPS and NETWORK cached locations
                "satelliteData": false, // Return of GPS satellite info
                "buffer": false,        // Buffer location data
                "bufferSize": 0,         // Max elements in buffer
                "signalStrength": false // Return cell signal strength data

        } else {

          // **For IOS**

          let options = {
            frequency: 1000,
            enableHighAccuracy: false

 = this.geolocation.watchPosition(options).filter((p: any) => p.code === undefined).subscribe((position: Geoposition) => {
            // loading.dismiss();
            console.log("current location at login" + JSON.stringify(position));

            // Run update inside of Angular's zone
   => {
              this.currentLat = position.coords.latitude;
              this.currentLng = position.coords.longitude;


EDIT : First installation is always going fine. But Sometimes you might get errors for no reason in subsequent installations. To make this error (any error with this plugin ) go away.Follow these steps :

1. Remove this plugin from your project (including config.xml and package.json).

2. Delete/Remove android platform.

3. Delete plugins folder.

4. Now reinstall this plugin again, following the steps above.