ionic add platform android with custom android-target

To change the build version you want change your config.xml located at the root project's path.

Following lines add in config.xml and then settings are updated automatically at the time building android app.

<platform name="android">

  <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="XX"/> 
  <preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="XX"/>

  <!--other line code -->


For Ionic2 please check my gist to here.

Hope this will help you !

You should be able to see all the versions of platforms installed in your project with:

cordova platform list

Then you can remove the current version with:

cordova platform remove android

And install the version you want/need with: (in my case 6.1.1)

cordova platform add [email protected]

Source: documentation

if you are unaware about the version number try following command

cordova platform add android@latest

this will add latest platform to your application, make sure you try the following command to verify if it breaks anything.

cordova build android