Ionic / bower / cordova - ignore files for build

According to Cordova workflow you can add a hook script that removes unnecessary files. A detailed example of a cleanup script can be found here:

But to give a quick step by step summary:

Add to the after_prepare hook folder (/hooks/after_prepare) a script (01_junk_cleanup.js - 01 to be run first, the rest whatever you want) and in the file specify the files and folders you want to delete. For example, here is how you can delete a test folder and relevant files just change to you lib directory and to the files there. Note that this example is a bit different from the example in the link i gave earlier so you might want to take a look there as well.


#!/usr/bin/env node

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var foldersToProcess = [


var foldersToDelete = [

var filesToDelete = [

var iosPlatformsDir = "platforms/ios/www/";
var androidPlatformsDir = "platforms/android/assets/www/";

filesToDelete.forEach(function(file) {
    var filePathIOS = iosPlatformsDir + file;
    var filePathAndroid = androidPlatformsDir + file;

foldersToProcess.forEach(function(folder) {
    processFiles(iosPlatformsDir + folder);
    processFiles(androidPlatformsDir + folder);

foldersToDelete.forEach(function(folder) {
    deleteFolderRecursive(iosPlatformsDir + folder);
    deleteFolderRecursive(androidPlatformsDir + folder);

function deleteFolderRecursive(path){
    if( fs.existsSync(path) ) {
             var curPath = path + "/" + file;
             if(fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse
             } else { // delete file

function processFiles(dir) {
    fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) {
        if(err) {
            console.log('processFiles err: ' + err);
        list.forEach(function(file) {
            file = dir + '/' + file;
            fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) {
                if(!stat.isDirectory()) {
                    switch(path.basename(file)) {
                        case ".DS_Store":
                            fs.unlink(file, function(error) {
                                console.log("Removed file " + file);
                        case "Thumbs.db":
                            fs.unlink(file, function(error) {
                                console.log("Removed file " + file);
                            console.log("Skipping file " + file);

Aside to above, A bit more obvious but I feel worth mentioning anyhow, After having the www/lib bloat as well I always try to keep the folder lean and add only libraries required for deployment, the other dev. dependencies such as jasmine I either hold in the 'node_modules' folder or 'bower_components' as I only install today through them.

Hope this helps, Good luck

With Bower you need to use npm preen to remove unnecessary files

See my example using Gulp with Ionic Framework:

Basically you can set your bower.json file to indicate the path which files you need, for example:

"preen": {
    //... More libraries
    "ionic-datepicker": [
        "dist/*.js" //You only need these files
        //Other files and folders will be deleted to reduce the size of your app
    "ion-floating-menu": [
        "dist/*" //Keep all the files (.html, .css, .js, etc) of the directory.

Regards, Nicholls

I think the best approach would be to do this:

  1. Move the bower_components folder and your index.html file to the project root, outside the /www folder
  2. Install gulp and gulp-usemin
  3. Wrap all of the .js files and .css files from bower components in usemin <build:js> and <build:css> sections
  4. Configure a task in your gulpfile to concatenate all those files into a lib.js and a lib.css file. Make sure that those two files as well as the rewritten index.html are output to the /www folder
  5. Execute the gulp task before your next build, and each time you add a new bower component.

This will keep your /www folder tidy and only containing the files you need in your cordova build.