iOS 7.1 UitableviewCell content overlaps with ones below

Here is the Perfect solution of Overlapping content in Cells.

Just use below code in cellForRowAtIndexPath after allocating cell and before adding subviews.

for (id object in cell.contentView.subviews)
    [object removeFromSuperview];

Actually the overlapping is occurring because whenever you scroll the tableview its allocating your added view again and again. So above code will solve your problem by removing the existing views from cell's contentView.

Now You can see the memory debug session after applying above code, your memory is stable this time.

Hope it'll help you.

Thanks !

The issue has to do with the height of your cell. It isn't going to dynamically adjust that for you.

You'll probably notice that as you scroll and the view above goes out of view the overlapping text will disappear with it.

If you are wanting your text to clip at a certain height, then you need to set the number of lines, rather than setting it to 0 since that will let it continue forever.

The lineBreakMode won't take effect since it isn't stopped.

Optionally you could try to set clipping on the contentView to make sure all subviews stay inside.

Depending on the end result you want, you could do dynamic heights and change based on the content. There are a bunch of SO questions related to doing this.

Update - clipping the contentView

I'd have to try it out myself, but in lieu of that, here are a couple links related to clipping the contentView:

  • stop the clipping of contentView - you'd actually want to do the opposite.
  • adding subview - looks similar to what you are trying to do.

Looks like this works:

cell.clipsToBounds = YES;

This is problem with recreating cell contents. Try with following code segment.

for(UIView *view in cell.contentView.subviews){  
        if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]) {  
            [view removeFromSuperview];   