iOS changing target name
Target name(TARGET_NAME)
To change a Target name(TARGET_NAME)
you can:
- Rename a
viaProject Settings
(Double click or press Return)

Also after changing Target Name you can:
- Rename a
viaManage Schemas...
-> Select -> Press Return

Rename a root
. In this case you should resolve errors that can be caused by out-to-date path. For example:Info.plist
(INFOPLIST_FILE) orBuild input file cannot be found: '<some_path>/Info.plist'
Bridging Header
(SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER) orerror opening input file '<some_path>/<module_name>-Bridging-Header.h' (No such file or directory)
- Move umbrella header from private to public scope or
Umbrella header '<name>.h' not found

[Xcode components]
Select your target from TARGETS(in left navigation bar) and double click, then rename it.
If you want to change Project Name, Target name, -Info.plist name & -Prefix.pch name then,
- Select Project in Xcode (.xcodeproj file)
- Selecte file inspector
- In identity section change project name which u want to update & press enter
- After scanning whole project it will ask to change the file names i.e target, plist & pch file
- Select check boxes as per your need
Just Click on your target Name beside stop button > Manage Schemes > Select and change name