iOS - git merge conflicts after adding cocoapods to project

Here is my 2 Cents.

Sometimes even after deleting all of the >>>> and ===== still you get the same errors.

  • Clean the project,
  • Run the pod install
  • Build the project

This should fix the remaining issues.

When git encounters merge conflicts, it adds lines of text to the conflicting files. They're comments like:

<<<<< HEAD
  ... your code from HEAD...
  ... your code from the merge branch...
>>>>>> my_merged_branch_name

These lines mark where Git needs help. When Xcode runs into one of these lines in a .pbxproj file, it is unable to open the file and it throws an Workspace Inconsistency error.

If you look at the messages you got from git, they show which files had the merge conflicts.

To fix the problem:

  1. Open each of those file with a simple text editor (I'm old school, so I use vi. Nano will also work. Just make sure you use a code editor and not word processor like TextEdit that will try to change your line endings, etc. )

  2. Resolve the conflicts by removing the comment lines added by git, and deciding which lines of code to keep.

  3. Then tell git that you have resolved the conflicts: git add .

  4. and continue with the merge.

Xcode should now be able to open your project.