iOS / iPhone- Hiding one button when another is clicked

IBOutlet UIButton *btn1;
IBOutlet UIButton *btn2;

write the above 2 lines in your .h file and set the outlets with XIB.

Now create a method called hideButton

       btn1.hidden = YES;

in XIB attach this method with btn2. So now when you click on btn2 it will hide btn1.

Add a target to the first switch which on value change calls the instance of the second switch and hides it.

Add the target:

    [switch1 addTarget:self action:@selector(switchToggled:) forControlEvents: UIControlEventValueChanged];

Calls this method:

- (void) switchToggled:(UISwitch*)switch {
 if ([switch isOn]) switch2.hidden = YES;
 else switch2.hidden = NO;

NJones if statement is more effective though.

Connect the two switches as outlets. lets say switch1 & switch2.

Connect this function to the valueChanged action.

- (IBAction)mySwitch1:(id)sender { 
    [switch2 setHidden:!(switch1.isOn)];

Now when switch1 is not on then switch2 will be hidden.