iOS Navigation Bar Prefers Large Titles Scroll Behaviour

Don't set anything regarding Large Titles in Interface Builder / Storyboard, only in code. That worked for me.

So in the navigation bar in storyboards, Prefers Large Titles unchecked.

In your view controller:

self.navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true

It seems like this issue is happening to people for different reasons. None of the above answers helped me, but here's what DID work...

I deconstructed my app to find the cause, which was the view hierarchy in the storyboard. It appears that the UITableView view HAS to the the first view in your view controller. I had a UITableView with two UIImageViews behind it and that's what was causing the issue. Once I removed those UIImageViews everything worked correctly.

My fix: I ended up creating a UIView in code, adding my two image views to that, THEN adding that UIView to the UITableview.backgroundView.

Hope this helps someone.