iPhone web applications, templates, frameworks?

The iUI library, originally from Joe Hewitt, would be a good place to start. The library is BSD licensed and has no commercial restrictions.

You're right in assuming iphone-universal is not an option for you -- its actually licensed under Affero GPL which triggers the distribution clause simply by accessing the software over a network which is quite different to standard GPL.

jQtouch looks outstanding.

I'm currently looking into http://webapp.net.free.fr/. Check out the demo here. Compared to the other frameworks mentioned, it has the following advantages:

  • Under active development
  • Active user community
  • Has an open license, free to distribute as long as you include the copyright/disclaimer

The last point was really the winner for me. I'm looking at building something that will be included in a commercial product, so the other frameworks like iphone-universal and iwebkit (both GPL) weren't options.

I found iphone-universal on Google Code the other day. Haven't had a chance to try it out but it looks promising.