ipmitool for windows

Building IPMI for Windows:

  1. Install Cygwin onto your windows system: Cygwin

    While installing Cygwin, choose gcc and crypto packages in addition to default package.

  2. Download the ipmitool source code from ipmitool
  3. Unzip, configure and build ipmitool.

    cd ipmitool-1.8.12

    ./configure --enable-intf-lanplus


  4. Packaging IPMI binary and related dlls into a zip file.

    mkdir ipmitool

    cp ipmitool-1.8.12/src/.libs/ipmitool.exe ipmitool/

    cp /bin/cygwin1.dll ipmitool/

    cp /bin/ cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll ipmitool/

    cp /bin/cygz.dll ipmitool/

    cp /bin/cyggcc_s-1.dll ipmitool/

    tar -zcvf ipmitool.tar ipmitool

  5. Unzip the file, ipmitool.tar in your destination host. Some of the sample commands:

    ipmitool.exe -I lan -U username -P password -H hosname sensor

    ipmitool.exe -I lanplus -U username -P password -H hosname -C 3 sol activate