Is a number float64?

Use isinstance:

>>> f = numpy.float64(1.4)
>>> isinstance(f, numpy.float64)
>>> isinstance(f, float)

numpy.float64 is inherited from python native float type. That because it is both float and float64 (@Bakuriu thx for pointing out). But if you will check python float instance variable for float64 type you will get False in result:

>>> f = 1.4
>>> isinstance(f, numpy.float64)
>>> isinstance(f, float)

I find this is the most readable method for checking Numpy number types

import numpy as np
npNum = np.array([2.0]) 

if npNum.dtype == np.float64:
    print('This array is a Float64')

# or if checking for multiple number types:
if npNum.dtype in [
    np.float32, np.float64, 
    np.int8, np.uint8, 
    np.int16, np.uint16, 
    np.int32, np.uint32, 
    np.int64, np.uint64

    print('This array is either a float64, float32 or an integer')