Is accepting RELATED,ESTABLISHED for all sources in iptables considered "too open"?

I would not consider ESTABLISHED and RELATED traffic too open. You may be able to omit RELATED, but should definitely allow ESTABLISHED. Both of these traffic categories use conntrack states.

ESTABLISHED connections have already been validated by another rule. This makes it much simpler to implement unidirectional rules. This only allows you to continue transactions on the same port.

RELATED connects are also validated by another rule. They don't apply to a lot of protocols. Again they make it much simpler to configure rules. They also ensure proper sequencing of connections where they apply. This actually makes your rules more secure. While this may make it possible to connect on a different port, that port should only be part of a related process like an FTP data connection. Which ports are allow are controlled by protocol specific conntrack modules.

By allowing ESTABLISHED and RELATED connections, you can concentrate on which new connections you want the firewall to accept. It also avoids broken rules meant to allow return traffic, but which allow new connections.

Given you have classified the program on port 1337 as insecure, it should be started using a dedicated non-root user-id. This will limit the damage someone can do if they do manage to crack he application and gain enhanced access.

It is highly unlikely a connection on port 1337 could be used to access port 22 remotely, but it is possible that a connection to port 1337 could be used to proxy a connection to port 22.

You may want to ensure SSH is secured in depth:

  • Use hosts.allow to limit access in addition to the firewall restrictions.
  • Prevent root access, or at least require the use of keys and limit their access in the authorized_keys file.
  • Audit login failures. A log scanner can send you periodic reports of unusual activity.
  • Consider using a tool like fail2ban to automatically block access on repeated access failures.

ESTABLISHED and RELATED are features of "stateful" packet filtering, where filtering does not just depend on a static rule set but also on the context, within which packets are considered. You need ESTABLISHED in order to allow connections to work, and you need RELATED for relevant ICMP messages. Stateful filtering allows to filter more precisely compared to static "stateless" rules.

Let's look at ESTABLISHED first. For instance, consider TCP on port 22. The initiator (client) sends a SYN to serverIPaddr:22. The server returns SYN+ACK to the client. Now it's the client's turn to send an ACK. How should the filtering rule on the server look like, such that only the "matching" ACK is accepted? A general stateless rule would look like

-A INPUT --proto tcp --port 22 -j ACCEPT

which is more liberal than the according stateful rule. The stateless rule allows arbitrary TCP segments, e.g. ACK or FIN without having established a connection first. Port scanners can exploit this kind of behavior for OS fingerprinting.

Now let's have a look at RELATED. This is used for ICMP messages, mostly error messages. For instance, if a packet from the server to the client is dropped, then an error message is sent to the server. This error message is "related" to the previously established connection. Without the RELATED rule one would either need to allow incoming error messages in general (without context), or, as is custom for many sites, drop ICMP altogether and wait for timeouts on the transport layer. (Note that this is a bad idea for IPv6; ICMPv6 plays a more important role for IPv6 than ICMP for IP legacy.)