Is Assert.Fail() considered bad practice?

I've always used Assert.Fail() for handling cases where you've detected that a test should fail through logic beyond simple value comparison. As an example:

  // Some code that should throw ExceptionX
  Assert.Fail("ExceptionX should be thrown")
catch ( ExceptionX ex ) 
  // test passed

Thus the lack of Assert.Fail() in the framework looks like a mistake to me. I'd suggest patching the Assert class to include a Fail() method, and then submitting the patch to the framework developers, along with your reasoning for adding it.

As for your practice of creating tests that intentionally fail in your workspace, to remind yourself to implement them before committing, that seems like a fine practice to me.

For this scenario, rather than calling Assert.Fail, I do the following (in C# / NUnit)

public void MyClassDoesSomething()
    throw new NotImplementedException();

It is more explicit than an Assert.Fail.

There seems to be general agreement that it is preferable to use more explicit assertions than Assert.Fail(). Most frameworks have to include it though because they don't offer a better alternative. For example, NUnit (and others) provide an ExpectedExceptionAttribute to test that some code throws a particular class of exception. However in order to test that a property on the exception is set to a particular value, one cannot use it. Instead you have to resort to Assert.Fail:

public void ThrowsExceptionCorrectly()
    const string BAD_INPUT = "bad input";
        new MyClass().DoSomething(BAD_INPUT);
        Assert.Fail("No exception was thrown");
    catch (MyCustomException ex)
         Assert.AreEqual(BAD_INPUT, ex.InputString); 

The xUnit.Net method Assert.Throws makes this a lot neater without requiring an Assert.Fail method. By not including an Assert.Fail() method xUnit.Net encourages developers to find and use more explicit alternatives, and to support the creation of new assertions where necessary.

It was deliberately left out. This is Brad Wilson's reply as to why is there no Assert.Fail():

We didn't overlook this, actually. I find Assert.Fail is a crutch which implies that there is probably an assertion missing. Sometimes it's just the way the test is structured, and sometimes it's because Assert could use another assertion.