Is every finite group a normal subgroup of a symmetric group?

HINT: Try to prove that for $n \ge 5$, $A_n$, the alternating group of $n$ elements is the only proper and nontrivial normal subgroup of $S_n$.

UPDATE: This has to do something with the fact that $A_n$ is simple for $n \ge 5$. After proving this and checking the cases $n \le 4$ we can conclude that a normal subgroup of symmetric group has order $1, 4, \frac{n!}{2}$ or $n!$. Hence...

In general (i.e. for $N \neq 4$), the only normal subgroups of $S_N$ are $S_N$ itself, $A_N$, and $1.$ Therefore no, because most $G$ will not map to one of these. ($S_4$ has an additional normal subgroup, the Klein $4$-group hiding in it.)


Group Theory