Is Functional to Relational mapping easier than Object to Relational?

What's the purpose of an ORM?

The main purpose of using an ORM is to bridge between the networked model (object orientation, graphs, etc.) and the relational model. And the main difference between the two models is surprisingly simple. It's whether parents point to children (networked model) or children point to parents (relational model).

With this simplicity in mind, I believe there is no such thing as an "impedance mismatch" between the two models. The problems people usually run into are purely implementation specific, and should be solvable, if there were better data transfer protocols between clients and servers.

How can SQL address the problems we have with ORMs?

In particular, the third manifesto tries to address the shortcomings of the SQL language and relational algebra by allowing for nested collections, which have been implemented in a variety of databases, including:

  • Oracle (probably the most sophisticated implementation)
  • PostgreSQL (to some extent)
  • Informix
  • SQL Server, MySQL, etc. (through "emulation" via XML or JSON)

In my opinion, if all databases implemented the SQL standard MULTISET() operator (e.g. Oracle does), people would no longer use ORMs for mapping (perhaps still for object graph persistence), because they could materialise nested collections directly from within the databases, e.g. this query:

SELECT actor_id, first_name, last_name,
    SELECT film_id, title
    FROM film AS f
    JOIN film_actor AS fa USING (film_id)
    WHERE fa.actor_id = a.actor_id
  ) AS films
FROM actor AS a

Would yield all the actors and their films as a nested collection, rather than a denormalised join result (where actors are repeated for each film).

Functional paradigm at the client side

The question whether a functional programming language at the client side is better suited for database interactions is really orthogonal. ORMs help with object graph persistence, so if your client side model is a graph, and you want it to be a graph, you will need an ORM, regardless if you're manipulating that graph using a functional programming language.

However, because object orientation is less idiomatic in functional programming languages, you are less likely to shoehorn every data item into an object. For someone writing SQL, projecting arbitrary tuples is very natural. SQL embraces structural typing. Each SQL query defines its own row type without the need to previously assign a name to it. That resonates very well with functional programmers, especially when type inference is sophisticated, in case of which you won't ever think of mapping your SQL result to some previously defined object / class.

An example in Java using jOOQ from this blog post could be:

// Higher order, SQL query producing function:
public static ResultQuery<Record2<String, String>> actors(Function<Actor, Condition> p) {
    return, ACTOR.LAST_NAME)

This approach leads to a much better compositionality of SQL statements than if the SQL language were abstracted by some ORM, or if SQL's natural "string based" nature were used. The above function can now be used e.g. like this:

// Get only actors whose first name starts with "A"
for (Record rec : actors(a ->"A%")))

FRM abstraction over SQL

Some FRMs try to abstract over the SQL language, usually for these reasons:

  • They claim SQL is not composable enough (jOOQ disproves this, it's just very hard to get right).
  • They claim that API users are more used to "native" collection APIs, so e.g. JOIN is translated to flatMap() and WHERE is translated to filter(), etc.

To answer your question

FRM is not "easier" than ORM, it solves a different problem. In fact, FRM doesn't really solve any problem at all, because SQL, being a declarative programming language itself (which is not so different from functional programming), is a very good match for other functional client programming languages. So, if anything at all, an FRM simply bridges the gap between SQL, the external DSL, and your client language.

(I work for the company behind jOOQ, so this answer is biased)

The hard problems of extending the relational database are extended transactions, data-type mismatches, automated query translation and things like N+1 Select that are fundamental problems of leaving the relational system and -- in my opinion -- do not change by changing the receiving programming paradigm.