Is it better to use System.arraycopy(...) than a for loop for copying arrays?

public void testHardCopyBytes()
    byte[] bytes = new byte[0x5000000]; /*~83mb buffer*/
    byte[] out = new byte[bytes.length];
    for(int i = 0; i < out.length; i++)
        out[i] = bytes[i];

public void testArrayCopyBytes()
    byte[] bytes = new byte[0x5000000]; /*~83mb buffer*/
    byte[] out = new byte[bytes.length];
    System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, out, 0, out.length);

I know JUnit tests aren't really the best for benchmarking, but
testHardCopyBytes took 0.157s to complete
testArrayCopyBytes took 0.086s to complete.

I think it depends on the virtual machine, but it looks as if it copies blocks of memory instead of copying single array elements. This would absolutely increase performance.

It looks like System.arraycopy 's performance is all over the place. When Strings are used instead of bytes, and arrays are small (size 10), I get these results:

    String HC:  60306 ns
    String AC:  4812 ns
    byte HC:    4490 ns
    byte AC:    9945 ns

Here is what it looks like when arrays are at size 0x1000000. It looks like System.arraycopy definitely wins with larger arrays.

    Strs HC:  51730575 ns
    Strs AC:  24033154 ns
    Bytes HC: 28521827 ns
    Bytes AC: 5264961 ns

How peculiar!

Thanks, Daren, for pointing out that references copy differently. It made this a much more interesting problem!

Arrays.copyOf(T[], int) is easier to read. Internaly it uses System.arraycopy() which is a native call.

You can't get it faster!

