Is it good programming practice to use setjmp and longjmp in C?

There are some correct uses of setjmp/longjmp. Implementing coroutines with them is virtually impossible, since you have to use (nonportable) tricks (read: inline assembly) to switch stacks.

One use of setjmp/longjmp is to catch floating point signals, but this messes up the C++ stack unwinding. Correct in C though.

You can also implement some form of stack unwinding (by maintaining you own cleanup handler stack) and implement true destructors and exceptions in C with them. This is very handy in large projects: the lack of a correct error handling mechanism is the weak point of C. However, it is quite difficult to do it correctly, and you'll have to write a bunch of macros to facilitate the task.

they are used to implement coroutines. There are a couple of c++ coroutine libraries running around on the net, that in Unix/Linux will use setjmp/longjmp to implement the functionality.

So, if your goal is to implement a coroutine library, then it is a moot point if its good practice or not, since on those platforms it is the only way to support that functionality.

if your goal is to use a coroutine library, you should search for some of these instead. There is even a boost vault proposal called boost::context, which is already approved.

Essentially, you're right in your assertion that jmp-style propagation is essentially the same thing as goto. Read Dijkstra's (famous and controversial) paper about gotos which (I think) provides sensible reasoning for why gotos should rarely be used. Unless you know exactly why you're doing what you're doing (or you're working in very specific fields -- such as embedded programming), you should not touch either goto or longjmp.



