Is it legal to use IntellIJ Ultimate Edition Student License to work on commercial product

According to this entry in JetBrains' Licensing and Purchasing FAQ:

Students and teachers are eligible to use JetBrains All Products Pack (including IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, ReSharper Ultimate and other IDEs & tools) free of charge for educational purposes. Educational licenses cannot be used for commercial purposes.

from JetBrains TOS(emphasis mine):


3.1. Unless the Toolbox Subscription has expired or this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 10, and subject to the terms and conditions specified herein, JetBrains grants You a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use each Product covered by the Toolbox Subscription for non-commercial, educational purposes only (including conducting academic research or providing educational services)

so you're not allowed to use it on a commercial product.