Is it possible for the template parameter to be a reference type?

They are both right :

See the code generated in cppinsights

template<typename T1, typename T2>
auto max(T1 a, T2 b) -> decltype(b<a?a:b) {
  return b < a ? a : b;

template<typename T1, typename T2>
auto max2(T1 a, T2 b){
  return b < a ? a : b;


Will 'generate' :

int & max<int, int>(int a, int b)
  return b < a ? a : b;

int max2<int, int>(int a, int b)
  return b < a ? a : b;

The trouble is about C++11 -> decltype(b<a?a:b) if you remove it (in C++14 and more) the function will not return a reference anymore

static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(i),int> );
static_assert( is_same_v<decltype((i)),int&> );
static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(i+j),int> );
static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(true?i:j),int&> );


4) If E2 and E3 are glvalues of the same type and the same value category, then the result has the same type and value category [...]

5) Otherwise, the result is a prvalue [...]

In C++ that mean :

static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(true?i:j),int&> ); // E2 and E3 are glvalues 
static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(true?i:1),int> ); // Otherwise, the result is a prvalue