Is it possible to define a `multicols{2}` preamble switch that works for \chapter?

A simple solution would look somewhat like this:



% test if current env is "multicols" if so close it

% start new multicols with chapter

% close last open multicols





Obvious improvements would be to redefine \chapter to work like \Mychapter but with the optional arguments of the standard heading commands - exercise for the reader ;-) ... happy new year (soon).


Here is a slightly more elaborate solution that actually implements the switch that was asked for (or rather two switches \startchaptercols[<colno>] and \stopchaptercols) that change the behavior on the next \chapter command).



% test if current env is "multicols" if so close it
  \fi }


%parse optional args if present and save them
% parse mandatory arg and do the work
% start new multicols with chapter


% close last open multicols



\startchaptercols    % start next chapter with two columns
\startchaptercols[3]    % start next chapter with three columns

\section{foo} \lipsum[1-2]
\startchaptercols    % start next chapter with two columns (no immediate change)
\section{foo} \lipsum[1-2]

\chapter[Running second]{Second}
\lipsum[1-2] \section{foo} \lipsum[1-2]
\stopchaptercols    % stop at next chapter (if any)
\section{foo} \lipsum[1-2]

Here is a short solution:

%\usepackage{setlistings} private code edited out
\begin{Chapter}{Multivariate Algebra I}
\begin{Chapter}{Multivariate Algebra II}

If you notice the \Chapter command has been defined as an environment. This is preferable, as you can then be able to adjust the opening layout for a chapter better. Here for example I use something similar to add the picture layout.

enter image description hereenter image description here