Is it possible to email-subscribe to a game's news on Steam?

There is no option I am aware of to mail new news items. However, it is not a new concept that people want to stay up-to-date of changes to... anything... without manually checking a page every time. Therefore, RSS was invented.

You can find an RSS feed of the news items of any game (or at least a lot of games) by using the url<game id>/rss/. For Osiris: New Dawn, the game you linked, this would be An RSS reader will usually not email you, but if you have one running on your computer it will likely give you a notification that a new news item has been posted. Alternatively, you could perhaps use an online tool that reads an RSS feed and emails you. Suggesting a specific tool is out-of-scope for Arqade though.

(Source:, even though the link it crawls for no longer seems to exist on pages)

