Is it possible to generate multiple Angular components using single angular-cli command like ng generate component comp1, comp2, comp3?

Well, there is nothing as of now by Angular CLI to create multiple components. But this can be done trivially in any shell.

Run this command into your bash shell -

for i in comp1 comp2; do ng g c "${i}"; done

Special thanks to Ingo Bürk's answer

Microsoft Windows variants

In root:

for %n in (component-name-1, component-name-2, ...) do ng g c %n

In module:

for %n in (component-name-1, component-name-2, ...) do ng g c module-name/%n

In module, without tests:

for %n in (component-name-1, component-name-2, ...) do ng g c module-name/%n --skipTests=true

Angular - ng generate

Windows CMD FOR command reference