Is it possible to have an "auto" member variable?

If you declare a class in a lambda expression, you can infer the types of member variables using decltype:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

auto generic_class = [](auto width1, auto height1) {
    class local_class {
        decltype(width1) width;
        decltype(height1) height;
    } local;
    local.width = width1;
    local.height = height1;
    return local;

int main()
    auto obj1 = generic_class(3,std::string("Hello!"));
    auto obj2 = generic_class(std::vector<int>{1,2},true);
    cout << obj1.height << "\n";
    cout << obj2.width[0] << "\n";
    return 0;

This is what the C++ draft standard has to say about using auto for member variables, in section auto specifier paragraph 4:

The auto type-specifier can also be used in declaring a variable in the condition of a selection statement (6.4) or an iteration statement (6.5), in the type-specifier-seq in the new-type-id or type-id of a new-expression (5.3.4), in a for-range-declaration, and in declaring a static data member with a brace-or-equal-initializer that appears within the member-specification of a class definition (9.4.2).

Since it must be initialized this also means that it must be const. So something like the following will work:

struct Timer
  const static int start = 1;

I don't think that gets you too much though. Using template as Mark suggests or now that I think about it some more maybe you just need a variant type. In that case you should check out Boost.Variant or Boost.Any.

You can, but you have to declare it static and const:

struct Timer {
    static const auto start = 0;

A working example in Coliru.

With this limitation, you therefore cannot have start as a non-static member, and cannot have different values in different objects.

If you want different types of start for different objects, better have your class as a template

template<typename T>
struct Timer {
    T start;

If you want to deduce the type of T, you can make a factory-like function that does the type deduction.

template<typename T>
Timer<typename std::decay<T>::type> MakeTimer(T&& startVal) {   // Forwards the parameter
   return Timer<typename std::decay<T>::type>{std::forward<T>(startVal)};

Live example.



