Is it possible to invert the trackpad orientation for Mac OS X?

These should work on OS X 10.6, the key here is resetting the orientation:

With this hidden pref, the trackpad auto-detects hand orientation from 5 resting fingers and rotates the coordinate system to match.

So after setting these and rebooting, rest five fingers on the bottom of the track pad so that it will auto-orientate.

I know, it's a two-year bump, but I saw this question after responding to the identical but newer… thought I'd keep this one current too.

sudo defaults write ForceAutoOrientation YES

still works on Mavericks 10.9.5 (requires an admin pw and a reboot). I haven't personally tried defaults write TrackpadOrientationMode 1 but that may still work too.

This appears not to work anymore on MacOS 10.12 (Sierra). Corroboration from Apple discussion forum, here: