Is it possible to make a bash shell script interact with another command line program?

If your command doesn't care how fast you give it input, and you don't really need to interact with it, then you can use a heredoc.


prog <<EOD
save filex
save filey

If you need branching based on the output of the program, or if your program is at all sensitive to the timing of your commands, then Expect is what you want.

I recommend you use Expect. This tool is designed to automate interactive shell applications.

Where there's a need, there's a way! I think that it's a good bash lesson to see how process management and ipc works. The best solution is, of course, Expect. But the real reason is that pipes can be tricky and many commands are designed to wait for data, meaning that the process will become a zombie for reasons that bay be difficult to predict. But learning how and why reminds us of what is going on under the hood.

When two processes engage in a conversation, the danger is that one or both will try to read data that will never arrive. The rules of engagement have to be crystal clear. Things like CRLF and character encoding can kill the party. Luckily, two close partners like a bash script and its child process are relatively easy to keep in line. The easiest thing to miss is that bash is launching a child process for just about every thing it does. If you can make it work with bash, you thoroughly know what you're doing.

The point is that we want to talk to another process. Here's a server:

# a really bad SMTP server

# a hint at courtesy to the client
shopt -s nocasematch

echo "220 $HOSTNAME SMTP [$$]"

while true
    [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^helo\ [^\ ] ]] && break
    [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^quit ]] && echo "Later" && exit
    echo 503 5.5.1 Nice guys say hello.

NAME=`echo "$REPLY" | sed -r -e 's/^helo //i'`
echo 250 Hello there, $NAME 

while read
    [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^mail\ from: ]] && { echo 250 2.1.0 Good guess...; continue; }
    [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^rcpt\ to: ]] && { echo 250 2.1.0 Keep trying...; continue; }
    [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^quit ]] && { echo Later, $NAME; exit; }
    echo 502 5.5.2 Please just QUIT

echo Pipe closed, exiting

Now, the script that hopefully does the magic.

# Talk to a subprocess using named pipes

rm -fr A B      # don't use old pipes
mkfifo A B

# server will listen to A and send to B
./ < A > B &

# If we write to A, the pipe will be closed.
# That doesn't happen when writing to a file handle.
exec 3>A

read < B
echo "$REPLY"

# send an email, so long as response codes look good
while read L
    echo "> $L"
    echo $L > A
    read < B
    echo $REPLY
    [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^2 ]] || break

done <<EOF
RCPT TO: you
Subject: Nothing


# This is tricky, and the reason sane people use Expect.  If we
# send QUIT and then wait on B (ie. cat B) we may have trouble.
# If the server exits, the "Later" response in the pipe might
# disappear, leaving the cat command (and us) waiting for data.
# So, let cat have our STDOUT and move on.
cat B &

# Now, we should wait for the cat process to get going before we
# send the QUIT command. If we don't, the server will exit, the
# pipe will empty and cat will miss its chance to show the
# server's final words.
echo -n > B     # also, 'sleep 1' will probably work.

echo "> quit"
echo "quit" > A

# close the file handle
exec 3>&-

rm A B

Notice that we are not simply dumping the SMTP commands on the server. We check each response code to make sure things are OK. In this case, things will not be OK and the script will bail.



