Is it possible to query data from Whisper (Graphite DB) from console?
OK! I found it myself: (I can use curl and return csv or json).
Answer was found here custom querying in graphite
Also see:
You can use the whisper-fetch
program which is provided in the whisper installation package.
Use it like this:
whisper-fetch /path/to/dot.wsp
Or to get e.g. data from the last 5 minutes:
whisper-fetch --from=$(date +%s -d "-5 min") /path/to/dot.wsp
Defaults will result in output like this:
1482318960 21.187000
1482319020 None
1482319080 21.187000
1482319140 None
1482319200 21.187000
You can change it to json using the --json