Is it possible to send a String[] through Multipart using Retrofit?
I know I am late for this answer. you can use @Query("someKey[]")
for sending arraylist in multipart. Heres is the working example.
Call<JsonElement> addSubEvent(@Part(EndAPI.USE_CASE) RequestBody useCase,
@Query("event_id[]") ArrayList<String> event_id,
@Query("user_id[]") ArrayList<String> user_id,
@Query("name[]") ArrayList<String> name,
@Query("date_time[]") ArrayList<String> date_time,
@Part("token") RequestBody token,
@Part MultipartBody.Part... profilePic);
Hope It will help some one seeking for the answer.
creating multi part list to use as a array list
List<MultipartBody.Part> descriptionList = new ArrayList<>();
descriptionList.add(MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("param_name_here", values));
following is the function in service interface of retrofit.
Call<ResponseBody> uploadPhotos(
@Part MultipartBody.Part placeId,
@Part MultipartBody.Part name,
@Part List<MultipartBody.Part> desclist, // <-- use such for list of same parameter
@Part List<MultipartBody.Part> files // <-- multiple photos here
Hope it helps someone. cheers... !!!
Just use @Part("items[]") List items
Like this:
List<String> items = new ArrayList();
Call<Result> yourMethod(@PartMap() Map<String, RequestBody> partMap, @PartMap() Map<String, RequestBody> map, @Part MultipartBody.Part file, @Part("items[]") List<String> items);