Is it possible to specify handle_unknown = 'ignore' for certain columns and 'error' for others inside OneHotEncoder?

I think ColumnTransformer() would help you to solve the problem. You can specify the list of columns for which you want to apply OneHotEncoderwith ignore for handle_unknown and similarly for error.

Convert your pipeline to the following using ColumnTransformer

from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer

ct = ColumnTransformer([("ohe_ignore", OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown ='ignore'), 
                              ["Flower", "Fruits"]),
                        ("ohe_raise_error",  OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown ='error'),

steps = [('OneHotEncoder', ct),
         ('LReg', LinearRegression())]

pipeline = Pipeline(steps)

Now, when we want to predict

>>> pipeline.predict(pd.DataFrame({'Country': ['UK'], 'Fruits': ['Apple'], 'Flower': ['Rose']}))


>>> pipeline.predict(pd.DataFrame({'Country': ['UK'], 'Fruits': ['chk'], 'Flower': ['Rose']}))


>>> pipeline.predict(pd.DataFrame({'Country': ['chk'], 'Fruits': ['Apple'], 'Flower': ['Rose']}))

> ValueError: Found unknown categories ['chk'] in column 0 during
> transform

Note: ColumnTransformer is available from version 0.20.