Is it safe to use the "this" pointer in an initialization list?

Yes. It's safe to use this pointer in initialization-list as long as it's not being used to access uninitialized members or virtual functions, directly or indirectly, as the object is not yet fully constructed. The object child can store the this pointer of Parent for later use!

The parent this pointer, in "pointer terms", is well-defined (otherwise how would the parent constructor know on which instance is it operating?), but:

  • the fields that are declared after the Child object aren't initialized yet;
  • the code in the constructor hasn't run yet;
  • also, the usual warnings about using virtual members from the constructor apply1.

So, the parent object in general is still in an inconsistent state; everything the child object will do on construction on the parent object, will be done on a half-constructed object, and this in general isn't a good thing (e.g. if it calls "normal" methods - that rely on the fact that the object is fully constructed - you may get in "impossible" code paths).

Still, if all the child object do with the parent pointer in its constructor is to store it to be use it later (=> when it will be actually constructed), there's nothing wrong with it.

  1. I.e., virtual dispatch doesn't work in constructors, because the vtable hasn't been updated yet by the derived class constructor. See e.g. here.