Is it secure to use malloc?

It's probably true that C++'s new is safer than malloc(), but that doesn't automatically make malloc() more unsafe than it was before. Did your friend say why he considers it insecure?

However, here's a few things you should pay attention to:

1) With C++, you do need to be careful when you use malloc()/free() and new/delete side-by-side in the same program. This is possible and permissible, but everything that was allocated with malloc() must be freed with free(), and not with delete. Similarly, everything that was allocated with new must be freed with delete, and never with free(). (This logic goes even further: If you allocate an array with new[], you must free it with delete[], and not just with delete.) Always use corresponding counterparts for allocation and deallocation, per object.

int* ni = new int;
free(ni);   // ERROR: don't do this!
delete ni;  // OK

int* mi = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
delete mi;  // ERROR!
free(mi);   // OK  

2) malloc() and new (speaking again of C++) don't do exactly the same thing. malloc() just gives you a chunk of memory to use; new will additionally call a contructor (if available). Similarly, delete will call a destructor (if available), while free() won't. This could lead to problems, such as incorrectly initialized objects (because the constructor wasn' called) or un-freed resources (because the destructor wasn't called).

3) C++'s new also takes care of allocating the right amount of memory for the type specified, while you need to calculate this yourself with malloc():

int *ni = new int;
int *mi = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));  // required amount of memory must be
                                      // explicitly specified!
                                      // (in some situations, you can make this 
                                      // a little safer against code changes by
                                      // writing  sizeof(*mi)  instead.)


In C++, new/delete should be preferred over malloc()/free() where possible. (In C, new/delete is not available, so the choice would be obvious there.)

Your friend could be talking about:

  • The safety of using pointers in general. For example in C++ if you're allocating an array of char with malloc, question why you aren't using a string or vector. Pointers aren't insecure, but code that's buggy due to incorrect use of pointers is.

  • Something about malloc in particular. Most OSes clear memory before first handing it to a process, for security reasons. Otherwise, sensitive data from one app, could be leaked to another app. On OSes that don't do that, you could argue that there's an insecurity related to malloc. It's really more related to free.

It's also possible your friend doesn't know what he's talking about. When someone says "X is insecure", my response is, "in what way?".

[...] C/C++ it is a well known insecure language. [...]

Actually, that's wrong. Actually, "C/C++" doesn't even exist. There's C, and there's C++. They share some (or, if you want, a lot of) syntax, but they are indeed very different languages.

One thing they differ in vastly is their way to manage dynamic memory. The C way is indeed using malloc()/free() and if you need dynamic memory there's very little else you can do but use them (or a few siblings of malloc()).
The C++ way is to not to (manually) deal with dynamic resources (of which memory is but one) at all. Resource management is handed to a few well-implemented and -tested classes, preferably from the standard library, and then done automatically. For example, instead of manually dealing with zero-terminated character buffers, there's std::string, instead of manually dealing with dynamically allocated arrays, there std:vector, instead of manually dealing with open files, there's the std::fstream family of streams etc.



