Is Java ReDos vulnerable?

According to the article RSPEC-2631, the ReDoS issue has been handled in Java 9 and later:

Java runtimes like OpenJDK 9+ are mitigating this problem by having additional protections in their implementation of regular expression evaluation. In those runtime the example above is not vulnerable.

I am currently running Java 8 and the following code hangs:


Seeing as how you are using Java 11 (and have also tested it with Java 9/10) and have seen it take a small amount of time to complete, there was obviously a change that was made between those versions.

From looking at the source code of Matcher in Java 11, we find the following addition that isn't present in Java 8:

 * Storage used by top greedy Loop node to store a specific hash set to
 * keep the beginning index of the failed repetition match. The nodes
 * themselves are stateless, so they rely on this field to hold state
 * during a match.
IntHashSet[] localsPos;

This local storage, along with a large amount of other code added, seems to be one of the main reasons why the state machine for regular expressions in Java 9+ completes much faster than in Java 8 and below.