Is <link> (not rel="stylesheet") allowed to be used in <body>?

The WHATWG HTML specification mentions, that the LINK-element can either have a rel-attribute:

<link rel="…" />

or an itemprop-attribute

<link itemprop="…" />

but not both.

The rel-version is restricted to the HEAD-element, whereas the itemprop-version may appear in both, the HEAD and BODY-elements.

What is this WHATWG specification:

There was a change to HTML5 spec recently that allows having links in the body

Link is allowed in BODY. I had same problem validating link tag in HTML5 and I solved it with this

<link rel="stylesheet" property="stylesheet" href="css/homepage.css">

Need to have both property and rel tag

UPDATE 2016 (thanks to yuyokk below): There was a change to HTML5 spec recently that allows having links in the body

I'd like to add to the answers above, in short

    <link rel="stylesheet" property="stylesheet" href="pathto.css">

is making the valdation error go away. Even just adding property="" (RDFa syntax or itemprop="" (Microformat syntax) attribute is sufficient. As @Jukka K. Korpela and @sideshowbarker explain in their answers, the reason lies in the HTML5+RDFa 1.1 spec.

The solution above is basically a workaround to let validator ignore inline stylesheets as needed in critical path implementations. In future versions of validators it hopefully gets obsolete.

By the way, in HTML5 you neither need a type attribute nor self-closing tag syntax.