is observeForever lifecycle aware?

observeForever() is not Lifecycle aware and will continue to run until removeObserver() is called. In your ViewModel do this instead,

class MainViewmodel: ViewModel() {

    private val repo = Repo()
    private var deviceData : LiveData<Device>? = null
    fun fetchDeviceData(deviceId:String):LiveData<Device>{
        deviceData = repo.getDeviceData(deviceId)
        return deviceData!!

is observeForever lifecycle aware?

No, that's why it's called observeForever.

I have implemented observeForever() from the ViewModel, but I don't think that is a good idea

No, it's not, you should be using Transformations.switchMap {.

since I don't know if observeForever() will be cleared on onCleared() if my view is destroyed, so it won't keep the observer alive if the view dies.

Well if you're not clearing it in onCleared() using removeObserver(observer), then it won't clear itself, because it observes forever.

here is where I really doubt if I'm using the right approach,

No, you can do much better than this following a reactive approach.

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    button.setOnClickListener {
        val deviceId = editText.text.toString().trim()

    viewModel.selectedDevice.observe(this, Observer { device ->
        textView.text = "Tipo: ${device.devType}"


class MainViewModel(
    private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
): ViewModel() {
    private val repo = Repo() // TODO: move to Constructor Argument with ViewModelProvider.Factory

    private val selectedDeviceId: MutableLiveData<String> = savedStateHandle.getLiveData<String>("selectedDeviceId")

    fun onSelectedDeviceChanged(deviceId: String) {
        selectedDeviceId.value = deviceId

    val selectedDevice = Transformations.switchMap(selectedDeviceId) { deviceId ->


class Repo {
    private val db = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().reference // TODO: move to constructor arg? Probably

    fun getDeviceData(deviceId:String) : LiveData<Device> {
        return object: MutableLiveData<Device>() {
            private val mutableLiveData = this

            private var query: Query? = null
            private val listener: ValueEventListener = object: ValueEventListener {
                override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {
                    val device = dataSnapshot.getValue(
                    mutableLiveData.value = device

                override fun onCancelled(dataError: DatabaseError) {
                    Log.e("Error","handle error callback")

            override fun onActive() {
                val query = db.child(deviceId).child("config/device")
                this.query = query
            override fun onInactive() {
                query = null

This way, you can observe for changes made in Firebase (and therefore be notified of future changes made to your values) using LiveData, rather than only execute a single fetch and then not be aware of changes made elsewhere to the same data.

To use ObserveForever, you need to remove the observer inside onClear in the ViewModel.

In this case, I would suggest to use Transformation even though you just need a direct mapping without any processing of the data, which is actually the same as what you are doing with the observer for observerForever.