Is there a better way to rewrite this ugly switch and if statement combination?

I think you can move nearly everything into a simple table and get away with a single table lookup. I haven't studied your conditions in detail, but it looks like something like this will do the job just fine:

// fill the following table in advance using your existing function, or hard-code the 
// values if you know they will never change:
ScatterType hitTable[60][60];

ScatterType EventBuffer::checkDoubleHit(int det)
    // read the crystal Nums once:
    unsigned a = evList[cryList[0]].crystalNum;
    unsigned b = evList[cryList[1]].crystalNum;

    case 10:
    case 11:
    case 13: 
    case 14:
      // better safe than sorry:
      assert (a < 60);
      assert (b < 60);
      return hitTable[a][b];

        throw string("made it to default case in checkDoubleHit switch statement, something is wrong");