Is there a BibLaTeX equivalent for the BibTeX style "alphadin" for the DIN 1505 Standard

More information is certainly needed to specify an alphabetic style, but the document below gives a start. It requires biber as the backend.

Here \DeclareLabelalphaTemplate specifies an alphabetic label format that largely corresponds to one of the following, ordered by precedence:

  • shorthand field
  • the label field, plus the last two digits in year
  • first three letters of the surname in the (truncated) labelname list when it contains only one item, plus the last two digits in year
  • first letter of each surname in the (truncated) labelname, plus the last two digits in year
  • first three letters of the entry key

If the length of labelname exceeds maxalphanames it is truncated to a list of length minalphanames. The default option settings are minalphanames=1 and maxalphanames=3. Truncation is indicated in the label via the \labelalphaothers character:


These can be redefined with \renewcommand*. The \sortalphaothers variant is used only for sorting and should be redefined if \labelalphaothers uses any formatting commands. Details on \DeclareLabelalphaTemplate and \defbibenvironment can be found in the biblatex manual.


% Use cite/entry key as fallback label

% Add labels to bibliography - taken from alphabetic.bbx

  title = {Arbeitsgruppe Angewandte Informatik (Wirtschaftsinformatik)},
  url = {},
  year = 2012}


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