Is there a C library to convert Unicode code points to UTF-8?
Converting Unicode code points to UTF-8 is so trivial that making the call to a library probably takes more code than just doing it yourself:
if (c<0x80) *b++=c;
else if (c<0x800) *b++=192+c/64, *b++=128+c%64;
else if (c-0xd800u<0x800) goto error;
else if (c<0x10000) *b++=224+c/4096, *b++=128+c/64%64, *b++=128+c%64;
else if (c<0x110000) *b++=240+c/262144, *b++=128+c/4096%64, *b++=128+c/64%64, *b++=128+c%64;
else goto error;
Also, doing it yourself means you can tune the api to the type of work you need (character-at-a-time? Or long strings?) You can remove the error cases if you know your input is a valid Unicode scalar value.
The other direction is a good bit harder to get correct. I recommend a finite automaton approach rather than the typical bit-arithmetic loops that sometimes decode invalid sequences as aliases for real characters (which is very dangerous and can lead to security problems).
Even if you do end up going with a library, I think you should either try writing it yourself first or at least seriously study the UTF-8 specification before going further. A lot of bad design can come from treating UTF-8 as a black box when the whole point is that it's not a black box but was created to have very powerful properties, and too many programmers new to UTF-8 fail to see this until they've worked with it a lot themselves.
iconv could be used I figure.
#include <iconv.h>
iconv_t cd;
char out[7];
wchar_t in = CODE_POINT_VALUE;
size_t inlen = sizeof(in), outlen = sizeof(out);
cd = iconv_open("utf-8", "wchar_t");
iconv(cd, (char **)&in, &inl, &out, &outlen);
But I fear that wchar_t might not represent Unicode code points, but arbitrary values.. EDIT: I guess you can do it by simply using a Unicode source:
uint16_t in = UNICODE_POINT_VALUE;
cd = iconv_open("utf-8", "ucs-2");
A good part of the genius of UTF-8 is that converting from a Unicode Scalar value to a UTF-8-encoded sequence can be done almost entirely with bitwise, rather than integer arithmetic.
The accepted answer is very terse, but not particularly efficient or comprehensible as written. I replaced magic numbers with named constants, divisions with bit shifts, modulo with bit masking, and additions with bit-ors. I also wrote a doc comment pointing out that the caller is responsible for ensuring that the buffer is large enough.
#define MAX_FOUR_BYTE 0x10FFFF
#define ONE_BYTE_BITS 7
#define TWO_BYTE_BITS 11
#define TWO_BYTE_PREFIX 0xC0
#define THREE_BYTE_BITS 16
* Ensure that buffer has space for AT LEAST 4 bytes before calling this function,
* or a buffer overrun will occur.
* Returns the number of bytes written to buffer (0-4).
* If scalar is a surrogate value, or is out of range for a Unicode scalar,
* writes nothing and returns 0.
* Surrogate values are integers from 0xD800 to 0xDFFF, inclusive.
* Valid Unicode scalar values are non-surrogate integers between
* 0 and 1_114_111 decimal (0x10_FFFF hex), inclusive.
int encode_utf_8(unsigned long scalar, char* buffer) {
if ((scalar | SURROGATE_LOW_BITS) == MAX_SURROGATE || scalar > MAX_FOUR_BYTE) {
return 0;
int bytes_written = 0;
if ((scalar >> ONE_BYTE_BITS) == 0) {
*buffer++ = scalar;
bytes_written = 1;
else if ((scalar >> TWO_BYTE_BITS) == 0) {
*buffer++ = TWO_BYTE_PREFIX | (scalar >> 6);
bytes_written = 2;
else if ((scalar >> THREE_BYTE_BITS) == 0) {
*buffer++ = THREE_BYTE_PREFIX | (scalar >> 12);
bytes_written = 3;
else {
*buffer++ = FOUR_BYTE_PREFIX | (scalar >> 18);
bytes_written = 4;
// Intentionally falling through each case
switch (bytes_written) {
case 4: *buffer++ = CONTINUATION_BYTE | ((scalar >> 12) & CONTINUATION_MASK);
case 3: *buffer++ = CONTINUATION_BYTE | ((scalar >> 6) & CONTINUATION_MASK);
case 2: *buffer++ = CONTINUATION_BYTE | (scalar & CONTINUATION_MASK);
default: return bytes_written;