Is there a 'clamp' method/sub for ranges/Num etc in Raku (i.e. Perl6)?

Another tact you might like to explore is using a Proxy, which allows you to define "hooks" when fetching or storing a value from a container

sub limited-num(Range $range) is rw {
    my ($min, $max) = $range.minmax;
    my Numeric $store = $min;
        FETCH => method () { $store },
        STORE => method ($new) {
            $store = max($min, min($max, $new));

# Note the use of binding operator `:=`
my $ln := limited-num(1.0 .. 9.9);
say $ln;     # OUTPUT: 1

$ln += 4.2;  
say $ln;     # OUTPUT: 5.2

$ln += 100;  
say $ln;     # OUTPUT: 9.9

$ln -= 50;   
say $ln;     # OUTPUT: 1

$ln = 0;     
say $ln;     # OUTPUT: 1

This particular limited-num will initialise with it's min value, but you can also set it at declaration

my $ln1 := limited-num(1.0 .. 9.9) = 5.5;
say $ln1;    # OUTPUT 5.5;

my $ln2 := limited-num(1.0 .. 9.9) = 1000;
say $ln2;    # OUTPUT 9.9

I don't think so. So, perhaps:

multi clamp ($range, $value) {
  given $range {
    return .max when (($value cmp .max) === More);
    return .min when (($value cmp .min) === Less);
  return $value
my $range = (1.0 .. 9.9);
say $range.&clamp: 15.3; # 9.9
say $range.&clamp: -1.3; # 1

my $range = 'b'..'y';
say $range.&clamp: 'a'; # b
say $range.&clamp: 'z'; # y

The MOP allows direct exploration of the objects available in your P6 system. A particularly handy metamethod is .^methods which works on most built in objects:

say Range.^methods; # (new excludes-min excludes-max infinite is-int ...

By default this includes just the methods defined in the Range class, not the methods it inherits. (To get them all you could use say Range.^methods: :all. That'll net you a much bigger list.)

When I just tried it I found it also included a lot of methods unhelpfully named Method+{is-nodal}.new. So maybe use this instead:

say Range.^methods.grep: * !~~ / 'is-nodal' /;

This netted:

(new excludes-min excludes-max infinite is-int elems iterator
flat reverse first bounds int-bounds fmt ASSIGN-POS roll pick
Capture push append unshift prepend shift pop sum rand in-range
hyper lazy-if lazy item race of is-lazy WHICH Str ACCEPTS perl
Numeric min max BUILDALL)

That's what I used to lead me to my solution above; I sort of know the methods but use .^methods to remind me.

Another way to explore what's available is doc, eg the official doc's Range page. That netted me:

ACCEPTS min excludes-min max excludes-max bounds
infinite is-int int-bounds minmax elems list flat
pick roll sum reverse Capture rand

Comparing these two lists, sorted and bagged, out of curiosity:


 bounds elems excludes-max excludes-min first flat fmt hyper 
 in-range infinite int-bounds is-int is-lazy item iterator
 lazy lazy-if max min new of perl pick pop prepend push
 race rand reverse roll shift sum unshift>.Bag


<ACCEPTS Capture bounds elems excludes-max excludes-min flat
 infinite int-bounds is-int list max min minmax pick
 rand reverse roll sum>.Bag


Bag(ACCEPTS, Capture, bounds, elems, excludes-max, excludes-min,
flat, infinite, int-bounds, is-int, max, min, pick,
rand, reverse, roll, sum)

So for some reason, list, minmax, and sum are documented as Range methods but are not listed by my .^methods call. Presumably they're called Method+{is-nodal}.new. Hmm.

say Range.^lookup('minmax'); # Method+{is-nodal}.new
say Range.^lookup('minmax').name; # minmax

Yep. Hmm. So I could have written:

say Range.^methods>>.name.sort;

 Mix MixHash Numeric Set SetHash Str WHICH append bounds elems
 excludes-max excludes-min first flat fmt hyper in-range infinite
 int-bounds is-int is-lazy item iterator lazy lazy-if list max min
 minmax new of perl pick pop prepend push race rand reverse roll
 shift sum unshift)

Anyhow, hope that's helpful.


