Is there a command line utility to transpose a csv-file?

From :

$ apt-get install csvtool

And then convert

$ csvtool transpose input.csv > ouput.csv

Or in pipeline

$ ... | csvtool transpose - | ...

CSV parsing is not easily done with POSIX tools only, unless you are using a simplified CSV variant with no quoting (so that commas can't appear in a field). Even then this task doesn't seem easy to do with awk or other text processing to tool. You can use Perl with Text::CSV, Python with csv, R with read.csv, Ruby with CSV, … (All of these are part of the standard library of the respective language except for Perl.)

For example, in Python:

import csv, sys
rows = list(csv.reader(sys.stdin))
writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
for col in xrange(0, len(rows[0])):
    writer.writerow([row[col] for row in rows])

ruby -rcsv -e 'puts CSV.parse(STDIN) &:to_csv' < in.csv > out.csv