Android - Is there a (decentralized) open source "Google Latitude" alternative?

OpenGTS provides fleet tracking, and there is a (paid) Android App on the market. Given that it's open source, it's always possible someone (you?) could develop a free app as well.

EDIT: the project renamed to OwnTracks

Here's a good, open and decentralized alternative which appeared recently:


A Google Latitude replacement based on MQTT

MQTTitude enables a device to periodically publish its location status to your MQTT broker. If you've previously used Latitude, you can think of this as a a decentralized Latitude.

enter image description here enter image description here


Whether you want to keep track of your own location or that of a family member (with their consent, of course), MQTTitude will let you do that in a safe way. There are at least two components you'll want to use: one of our Apps, and an MQTT broker.

The app speaks to the broker. Other programs (we have a few for you, but you can create others yourself) speak to the broker as well. The smartphone app PUBlishes location data, and the other programs SUBscribe to that data. A program can store the data in a database, send it someplace (careful with that!), or simply discard it (which wouldn't really be useful now, would it?).

For the time being documentation is, ahem, a bit lacking, but you might find something useful on our development site.


  • Website
  • API
  • GitHub