Is there a faster way to create a matrix of indices from ragged data?

A modest improvement when you replace Replace[...] with Transpose@Thread:

 (udata = Sort[DeleteDuplicates[Flatten@testData], Less]; 
 dsptch = Dispatch[Thread[udata -> Range[Length[udata]]]]; 
 out1 = Replace[testData /. dsptch, a_Integer :> {a, a}, 1];) // AbsoluteTiming 
 (* {2.1282128, Null} *)

 (udata = Sort[DeleteDuplicates[Flatten@testData], Less]; 
 dsptch = Dispatch[Thread[udata -> Range[Length[udata]]]]; 
 out2 = Transpose@Thread[testData /. dsptch];) // AbsoluteTiming 
 (* {1.9421942, Null} *)
 (* True  *)

I get about a 20% speed up by using kguler's Thread trick to transform the data at the beginning, saving the Transpose until the end. There seems to be a slight advantage to working on data with dimensions {2,10^6} over data with dimensions {10^6,2}. I'm not sure why.


This is a little faster approach:

first,transform data and udata a little, represent Infinity and -Infinity by "a1" and "a0" :

 data2 = Block [{DirectedInfinity = "a" <> ToString[# + 1] &}, data]
 =>{{1, "a2"}, {"a0", 2}, 3, {2, 2}, {2, 3}}
 udata2 = Block [{DirectedInfinity = "a" <> ToString[# + 1] &}, udata]
 =>{"a0", 1, 2, 3, "a2"}

second, rebuild dispatch table:

dsptch2 = Dispatch[Thread[udata2 -> Range[Length[udata2]]]];

third, Replace and Replace:

Replace[Replace[data2, dsptch2, {-1}], a_Integer :> {a, a}, 1]
==>{{2, 5}, {1, 3}, {4, 4}, {3, 3}, {3, 4}}

the main difference is the inner Replace, make some bigger test data:

l = Join[Range[ 100], {\[Infinity] , -\[Infinity] }];
l2 = Partition [RandomChoice[l, 10^6], 2];
data = Riffle[l2, Join[{\[Infinity] , -\[Infinity] }, Range[ 100]], 5];

now timing the inner Replace part alone:

c1 = data2 /. dsptch2; // Timing (*original approach*)
c2 = Replace[data2, dsptch2, {-1}]; // Timing (*modified approach*)
c1 == c2

=>{0.749, Null}
=>{0.343, Null}

we see the speed is doubled, now timing the whole:

(udata = Sort[DeleteDuplicates[Flatten@data], Less];
  dsptch = Dispatch[Thread[udata -> Range[Length[udata]]]];
  a1 = Replace[data /. dsptch, a_Integer :> {a, a}, 1];) // Timing 

(data2 = Block [{DirectedInfinity = "a" <> ToString[# + 1] &}, data];
  udata = Sort[DeleteDuplicates[Flatten@data], Less];
  udata2 = 
   Block [{DirectedInfinity = "a" <> ToString[# + 1] &}, udata];
  dsptch2 = Dispatch[Thread[udata2 -> Range[Length[udata2]]]];
  a4 = Replace[Replace[data2, dsptch2, {-1}], a_Integer :> {a, a}, 
    1];) // Timing 
a4 == a1

=>{1.092, Null}
=>{0.889, Null}

a little faster...