Is there a (fork) symbol for probabilistic causality? Logic

Since it should be a connective, the type is \mathbin; then we can use TeX's rules for relations:




The connective for the fork is $\fork$
and we can write $a\fork b$ or also
$a\fork_u b$.


Choose the kerning based on your liking.

enter image description here

At its simplest, I propose a simple overlap of a \supset and a -, with a kern to effect the overlap. However, A Rmano notes, this may not have the proper spacing relative to adjacent material. Thus, if one wishes a general symbol, that works across math styles, I have provided here \fork.

EDITED for \mathbin instead of \mathrel.



$\scriptstyle \fork_\mathrm{u}$
$\scriptscriptstyle \fork_\mathrm{u}$

enter image description here

Mnsymbol and Mdsymbol have \rightpitchfork glyphs (and indeed quite a few other pitchforks). Here is a way to use it, along with \leftpitchfork, without loading Mnsymbol. In addition , I defined an extensible version \xleftfork. They have bold versions.

\usepackage{lmodern, mathtools}

\DeclareFontFamily{U}  {MnSymbolA}{}
\DeclareSymbolFont{MnSyA}         {U}  {MnSymbolA}{m}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{MnSyA}       {bold}{U}  {MnSymbolA}{b}{n}
<-6>  MnSymbolA5
<6-7>  MnSymbolA6
<7-8>  MnSymbolA7
<8-9>  MnSymbolA8
<9-10> MnSymbolA9
<10-12> MnSymbolA10
<12->   MnSymbolA12}{}
<-6>  MnSymbolA-Bold5
<6-7>  MnSymbolA-Bold6
<7-8>  MnSymbolA-Bold7
<8-9>  MnSymbolA-Bold8
<9-10> MnSymbolA-Bold9
<10-12> MnSymbolA-Bold10
<12->   MnSymbolA-Bold12}{}

\ext@arrow 0079\xleftforkfill@{#1}{#2}%
\ext@arrow 0097\xrightforkfill@{#1}{#2}%



$ A \rightpitchfork B\enspace B \leftpitchfork A$

\boldmath      $ A \rightpitchfork B\enspace B \leftpitchfork A$

$C \xleftfork{\text{an extensible pitchfork}}D$


enter image description here


