Is there a good document template for making business cards?
The labels
package is excellent for this, if you want to hand-craft the layout within the card.
Thanks, @MartinScharrer, for your excellent suggestion. Here's a small(?), imperfect example for people to play with:
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
\setsansfont{Source Sans Pro Light}
\LabelGridtrue% <-- or \LabelGridfalse
\newcommand{\emaili}{[email protected]}
{\Large\scshape Charles Dickens}\\[1ex]
\textit{Narrative Typography}\\
48 Doughty Street\\
{\textsc{uk: wc1n 2lx}}\\
And here's a bit of the output. Note that I've included the label borders, which I wouldn't do for 'production':
A rather late, and probably obvious, afterthought: although PC printers for "amateurs" generally produce consistent positioning on the page, the absolute position of the PDF sheet when printed may not match the exact boundaries of the paper. So if you're using expensive precut visiting card sheets, print a proof first, to check alignment with the actual cards.
Packages like »bizcard« and »ticket« come to my mind. For some inspiration you can take a look at the code of the file "ex_vcard.tex" that is shipped with the latter one.
% ticket.sty example file for visiting cards
% use the corresponding paper size for your ticket definition
% load ticket.sty with the appropriate ticket definition
% load misc stuff
% define something
% make your default ticket. \ticketdefault is somewhat like a background
% here it is empty, because we use different tickets for the front an
% the back of our card
% now what do you like to put in your ticket
\put( 63, 5){\includegraphics[width=40mm,angle=90,origin=bl]{ifmlogoc}}
\put( 63.2, 2){\color{uni}your logo}
\put( 5, 13){\color{uni}\line(1,0){56}}
\put( 7, 10){\small your company}
\put( 7,6.5){\small street 1}
\put( 7, 3){\small xxxxx city and state}
\put( 7, 24){\small phone:}
\put( 7, 20){\small fax:}
\put(6,40){\bfseries\LARGE #1}
\put(15,24){\small #3}
\put(15,20){\small #4}
\put( 7,16){\small #5}
\put( 7, 26){\small private:}
\put( 5, 23){\color{uni}\line(1,0){56}}
\put( 7,19){\small%
% a counter, which makes life easier...
% ten cards for the front
\vcardfront{Mr. X}{Degree/Profession}{+YY/XXXX/ZZZ ZZ ZZ}{+YY/XXXX/ZZZ ZZ ZZ}{[email protected]}}
% and ten for the backside
\vcardback{phone: ---/HH HH HHH\\fax: ---/HH HH HHH\\homestreet 7\\everywhere}}
The pictures show the front (left) and the back (right) of the cards.
You could also just roll your own by making the whole document a tikzpicture
and placing the text with \node