Is there a good MSSQL / SQL Server adapter for sails.js?

We don't currently have a MS SQL Server adapter but it's something I'd love to add. There is a basic definition of the various interfaces and how adapters are created at: API Adapter Interface.

If anyone would like to tackle this you can use the Sails MySQL Adapter or the Sails PostgreSQL Adapter as examples.

I don't have access to a MS SQL Server to build one out but there is an Integration Test library I use to build out adapters that support the CRUD interface: Waterline Adapter Tests.

I have recently started building a sails adapter for MSSQL based on the node-sqlserver module.

It isn't finished yet but I have finished the main parts of the adapter and it still needs testing, but there is enough there to get going.

It can be found at

There is now:

Complete with sails 0.10 associations support, and fully unit tested against the Waterline spec: